Poll: Field Art Brawl

And it became all yellow

Pokémon Yellow - BAB
Image: Nintendo

Pika, Pika, Pi! Sorry, we bear been on Doduolingo for too prolonged. Roughly translated, we said ‘Welcome motivate to 1 other model of Field Art Brawl!’

Final week, we creased up the competitors as we put two covers for Paper Mario: Sticker Big title head to head. It became a reasonably end one, nonetheless Europe and Japan’s colourful field art work walked away with the steal, taking 58% of the vote in comparison with North The United States’s 42%.

This time, are diving staunch into a chain basic as we match up two regional covers for Pokémon Yellow — nope, we couldn’t take into consideration that we bear by no formula checked out it before either. You create not need us to shriek you about this luscious dinky indie, so let’s dive genuine into the covers.

There are totally two choices on describe this week, with Europe and North The United States teaming up against the Jap salvage. Appears to be like as if we’re in for a apt extinct-normal duel, folks.

Be obvious to forged your votes within the pollunder; nonetheless first, let’s test out the sphere art work designs themselves.

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