BBC instructs lawyers over allegations of police surveillance of journalist

Mat Hayward –

Attorneys for the BBC obtain written to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal over allegations that the Police Provider of Northern Eire spied on investigative journalist Vincent Kearney

Bill Goodwin


Printed: 02 Also can 2024 11: 23

Attorneys performing for the BBC obtain written to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) over allegations that actually one of its journalists became as soon as area to police surveillance.

The Police Provider of Northern Eire (PSNI) is speculated to acquire spied on journalist Vincent Kearney all over his work on a 2011 Spotlight documentary investigating the independence of the police watchdog in Northern Eire.

Kearney, within the meanwhile the northern editor at RTE, acknowledged journalists want to be free to protect out their work without dread that the police would possibly perchance perchance secretly try and title their sources. He acknowledged he became as soon as resolute to salvage out what took effect of residing.

The allegations emerged all over a hearing by the IPT in February following a grievance from journalists Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey that they’d been area to unlawful surveillance by the PSNI after making a documentary that exposed police failures to evaluate the abolish of six innocent folks by a paramilitary neighborhood.

Durham Police, working with the PSNI, raided the journalists’ properties and the movie production company, Soft Point Movies, as section of a “covert technique” to title the provision of a leaked document.

The manager constable of the PSNI apologised for the unlawful raids and agreed to pay damages of £875,000 after the journalists had been exonerated in 2019 by the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Eire.

Following this, the journalists asked the Investigatory Powers Tribunal to evaluate whether or not they’d been unlawfully subjected to police surveillance.

Phone and electronic mail surveillance

In some unspecified time in the future of a hearing in February, the PSNI acknowledged that it unlawfully accessed McCaffrey’s mobile phone recordsdata in 2013. McCaffrey’s mobile phone became as soon as moreover area to surveillance by the Metropolitan Police in 2011 and it emerged that Durham Police tried to present access to Birney’s work emails in 2018.

L-R: Barry McCaffrey, Grahame Morris MP and Trevor Birney start air court in February 2024

Disclosures made everywhere in the case suggested that Kearney had moreover been area to police surveillance while making a documentary for the BBC’s Spotlight series.

A spokesperson for the BBC acknowledged: “We now obtain suggested lawyers to write to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal about the alleged PSNI surveillance of phone recordsdata linked to the work of Vincent Kearney all over his employment with the BBC, in reference to a BBC Northern Eire Spotlight programme broadcast in 2011.”

“We judge that severe problems with public passion are alive to, including with regards to the detrimental results that surveillance will obtain on journalistic investigations and freedoms,” the spokesperson added.

The claims listing to Kearney’s 2011 Spotlight documentary, The whistleblower and the watchdog, which reported on the crisis within the Police Ombudsman’s Dwelling of business and investigated how the work of the PSNI watchdog had became contaminated by internal difficulties.

Kearney acknowledged: “The programme investigated allegations that the independence of the Police Ombudsman had been compromised and that it became as soon as not investigating complaints about police activities with ample rigour.”

The programme resulted in calls for the resignation of the ombudsman at the time, Al Hutchinson, and he introduced his arrangement to step down quickly after it became as soon as broadcast.

Kearney acknowledged: “I’m alive to that the police will obtain tried to title sources of recordsdata internal a programme that became as soon as surely about the independence of the govtcenter of the Police Ombudsman.”

“Journalists want to be free to protect out their work without dread that the police would possibly perchance perchance secretly try to title sources, and I’m certain to salvage out what took effect of residing,” he added.

Policing Board probe

Doubtlessly the most in trend allegations attain because the Northern Eire Policing Board is conducting a probe into allegations that the PSNI has implemented surveillance on lawyers and journalists by having access to their mobile phone recordsdata to title their sources.

The PSNI’s chief constable, Jon Boutcher, handed a confidential document to the Policing Board in April at the request of board members.

We are extraordinarily alive to that the revelations up to now on this case present a powerful wider sample of covert police surveillance of journalists and various human rights defenders
Patrick Corrigan, Amnesty World

The document, which has been passed to the Policing Board’s human rights consultant, John Wadham, is known to suggest that the PSNI will had been alive to in up to 18 incidents of surveillance against journalists and lawyers. 

The Law Society of Northern Eire has moreover written to Boutcher soliciting for an clarification of disclosures within the document, including “the statutory or various authority below which any such surveillance operations had been undertaken”.

Patrick Corrigan, Amnesty World’s Northern Eire director, urged various journalists and media organisations to originate complaints to the IPT if they had been alive to about surveillance by the PSNI. 

“We are extraordinarily alive to that the revelations up to now on this case present a powerful wider sample of covert police surveillance of journalists and various human rights defenders,” he acknowledged. “Freedom of the click, including the true to protect sources, is a cornerstone of any rights-respecting society.”

Daniel Holder, director of the Committee on the Administration of Justice, acknowledged there became as soon as a need for rotund accountability. “This direct of the extent and lawfulness of PSNI surveillance on journalists, lawyers and potentially various members of civil society surely obtain to be nailed now,” he acknowledged. 

Jon Boutcher told the Policing Board in April that he would present a public model of the document.

The IPT is thanks to continue hearings into allegations of unlawful surveillance against Birney and McCaffrey later within the one year. 

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