Estrogen-Only Therapy for Menopausal Symptoms Increases Ovarian Most cancers Probability

CHICAGO — Expend of mature hormonal therapy for menopausal indicators doubled the long-term possibility of ovarian most cancers and the possibility of dying of the disease, in accordance with an evaluation of Ladies folks’s Successfully being Initiative (WHI) clinical trial recordsdata.

Amongst 10,739 ladies with prior hysterectomy, therapy with conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) resulted in an ovarian most cancers hazard ratio of 2.04 versus placebo right thru 20 years of observe-up (35 vs 17 cases). Ovarian most cancers mortality practically tripled within the CEE neighborhood.

Ladies folks with an intact uterus got CEE plus medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), which didn’t enormously elevate ovarian most cancers possibility or mortality versus placebo and used to be related to a well-known discount within the possibility of endometrial most cancers.

“The findings must uncover selections regarding hormone therapy expend and counsel reconsideration of tenet strategies of estrogen-alone expend in ovarian most cancers survivors,” acknowledged Rowan Chlebowski, MD, PhD, of City of Hope in Duarte, California, right thru a press briefing sooner than the American Society of Scientific Oncology meeting.

The findings must be realizing about with the popularity that the absolute possibility of ovarian most cancers incidence and mortality used to be extremely low in ladies who got CEE with or with out MPA, acknowledged invited discussant Eleonora Teplinsky, MD, of Valley Successfully being Machine in Paramus, Unusual Jersey.

“This new recordsdata is de facto the biggest piece of patient counseling and training and discussing with patients what their ovarian most cancers possibility is, on the opposite hand it will now no longer necessarily detract or to find a long way from a lady’s resolution to to find menopausal hormone therapy for relief of indicators,” acknowledged Teplinsky.

“For the time being, conjugated equine estrogen is a much less gradually historical estrogen preparation, and so we need to always to find that into context as we extrapolate to unusual-day estrogen formulations,” she added.

No topic the truth that hormone therapy for menopausal indicators has been permitted within the U.S. since 1943, its impact on endometrial and ovarian most cancers incidence and mortality stays unsettled after larger than 50 years of observe-up, acknowledged Chlebowski. Observational study enjoy in general confirmed elevated possibility with CEE alone, however findings with CEE plus a progestin were combined.

In reveal to carry more clarity to the discussion, investigators grew to turn into to the database of the WHI, initiated in 1991 to ascertain well-known health concerns causing morbidity and mortality in postmenopausal ladies. The evaluation included 10,739 ladies with prior hysterectomy and 16,608 with an intact uterus. Eligible participants were ages 50-79 and had no historical previous of breast most cancers or recommendation of it on mammogram.

In each groups (CEE or CEE/MPA vs placebo), deliberate therapy used to be for 8.5 years. The comparability of CEE/MPA and placebo ended after 5.2 years attributable to an elevated possibility of breast most cancers with the hormonal therapy. The trial of CEE versus placebo ended for futility after an average observe-up of 6.8 years. Endometrial most cancers and ovarian most cancers were specified secondary outcomes.

The pains were conducted at 40 U.S. centers, where investigators enrolled participants from 1993-1998. All over 20 years of observe-up, 35 ovarian cancers occurred within the CEE-alone arm versus 17 within the placebo neighborhood (HR 2.04, 95% CI 1.14-3.65, P=0.014). The CEE neighborhood had 25 ovarian most cancers deaths versus 9 within the placebo neighborhood (HR 2.79, 95% CI 1.30-5.99, P=0.006). All-motive mortality additionally used to be enormously elevated within the CEE neighborhood (30 vs 12; HR 2.47, 95% CI 1.26-4.84, P=0.006).

In the trial of CEE/MPA, active hormonal therapy used to be related to hazard ratios of 1.14-1.37 for ovarian mortality, most cancers-particular mortality, and all-motive mortality, respectively. None of the variations reached statistical significance.

CEE/MPA used to be related to a well-known discount in endometrial most cancers incidence (106 vs 140; HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.56-0.92, P=0.010) and all-motive mortality (51 vs 72; HR 0.68, 95% CI 0.47-0.97, P=0.034). The hormonal therapy resulted in numerically lower endometrial most cancers mortality (13 vs 21; HR 0.58, 95% CI 0.29-1.16, P=0.12).

In a discussion that followed his presentation, Chlebowski acknowledged applicability of the findings to contemporary hormonal strategies for menopausal indicators is subtle by the truth that “it be very, very subtle to score out what’s the gorgeous penetrance of alternative therapies: transdermal estradiol, lower-dose CEE, and MPA.”

“All people says [hormonal therapy] has shifted, however on the time this test used to be completed, this used to be 90% of what used to be being historical as therapy,” he persevered. “Or now no longer it is unclear what gynecologists in clinical observe were doing. Or now no longer it has been practically now no longer in all probability for us to score within the closing 10 years what the shift has been. Or now no longer it is genuinely now no longer sure whether or now no longer there would possibly per chance be been a plentiful sea change in what therapy has been given.”

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    Charles Bankhead is senior editor for oncology and additionally covers urology, dermatology, and ophthalmology. He joined MedPage Presently in 2007. Follow


The Ladies folks’s Successfully being Initiative is funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the Division of Successfully being and Human Companies.

Chlebowski disclosed relationships with Pfizer and UpToDate.

Main Offer

American Society of Scientific Oncology

Offer Reference: Chlebowski R, et al “Menopausal hormone therapy and endometrial and ovarian most cancers outcomes: Findings from the Ladies folks’s Successfully being Initiative randomized clinical trials” ASCO 2024; Summary 10506.

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