Dune: Messiah Is Already in the Works—and It’ll Be Denis Villeneuve’s Final Dune Movie

ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, Dune would possibly perchance perchance wind up being basically the most unconventional film trilogy ever. Let’s bask in in thoughts the items: the foremost Dune, released in unhurried 2021 amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, arrived with mighty fanfare, however also mighty mystery. Theater turnout used to be a foremost inquire (the film used to be also concurrently released on HBO Max), and the film only tailored the foremost half of of writer Frank Herbert’s 1964 sci-fi unique of the same name—without an legitimate greenlight to save numerous a sequel. Fortunately, the film did correctly ample for Warner Bros. to give director Denis Villeneuve the skedaddle-ahead on Dune: Fragment Two, which has now arrived in theaters to foremost acclaim, and appears to be probably to save numerous a foremost splash at the field place of work.

Whereas Dune: Fragment Two completes the variation of Herbert’s first unique, the film over all as soon as more concludes on an ambiguous present. Would possibly perchance well perchance we bag Dune: Fragment Three? Fortunately, it appears to be probably—even supposing now we bask in fully no practical timeline. The third film—probably the final for Villeneuve—would probably be tailored from Herbert’s second unique, Dune: Messiah, rounding out the trilogy with a e book that on occasion continues the narrative from the foremost film; reasonably, it pushes the narrative 12 corpulent years into the long creep. A turn reasonably phenomenal for what fans of trilogies relish Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, or Christopher Nolan’s Batman motion pictures are ragged to.

There’s been reasonably rather of chatter concerning the narrative of Dune continuing with Messiah, however on occasion one thing else concrete in any respect. However with Fragment Two already a success with critics, probably to save numerous a foremost splash at the field place of work, and even maybe contend for some Oscars (the foremost Dune used to be nominated for Easiest Portray and won six others), it feels probably that Warner Bros. will save a return to Arrakis a foremost precedence.

Will Dune: Fragment Two bask in a sequel?

dune messiah

Warner Bros.

It appears to be probably that finally, Dune: Fragment Two can bask in a sequel, and this would possibly perchance perchance perchance maybe also be known as Dune: Messiah (Or, maybe, renamed Dune: Fragment Three. Who’s to insist.).

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A January Time profile on Villeneuve confirmed that one other Dune screenplay used to be one of three he used to be working on, however also confirmed that the film hadn’t officially been greenlit. He also illustrious that if it does happen, it would possibly perchance maybe perchance perchance maybe be his swan tune on this particular desert. “Dune Messiah ought to level-headed be the closing Dune film for me,” he said.

He sounded rather much less certain all over a newest interview with Uproxx, the save he instructed that he used to be ready to compose one thing else for rather of while. “For now, I’ve had my fraction of sand and I could perchance perchance maybe relish to amass rather of rupture from Arrakis earlier than going abet, if ever I am going abet,” he said, earlier than hedging his respond rather. “I’ll skedaddle abet if there’s a compile screenplay on the desk.”

He does add, even supposing, that while it would possibly perchance maybe perchance perchance maybe feel “poetic” to complete his Dune narrative with Messiah, he wanted to skedaddle away Dune: Fragment Two in a situation the save it would possibly perchance maybe perchance perchance maybe be pleasant if that turns out to be the discontinue. “For me, I attempted to complete the narrative in the 2 first movies,” he said. “If it stopped there, there used to be half of me that I knew I’ll bask in spent ample time in Arrakis.”

The director has also been linked in newest years to a film adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke’s Rendezvous With Rama (which he’s described as “Arrival on steroids”) besides to rumors of a Cleopatra film starring Zendaya.

Winding up as a minimum a form of initiatives between Dune motion pictures would possibly perchance perchance present precious. Herbert’s second unique is map 12 years after the occasions of the brand new Dune, and Paul is meant to be vastly older in Messiah than he’s in Dune. Timothée Chalamet is already playing youthful than his true age (Paul is 15 in the e book, and without doubt presupposed to be rather older than that in the foremost film; Chalamet became 28 in unhurried December), so it would possibly perchance maybe perchance perchance maybe no longer be too tough to age him up rather in the varied route, however just a few years to grizzle him up would no longer hurt either.

And while he’s long gone both directions, it does finally appear probably that we are in a position to bag a Dune: Messiah. At the Fresh York premiere of Dune: Fragment Two, Villeveuve urged the Associated Press that he’s no longer ragged to talking about initiatives after they’re in the writing stage, however that Messiah “potentially” will be a skedaddle. “It’ll level-headed happen,” he said.

And as one closing bonus? Hans Zimmer is already writing music for a third Dune film.

The percentages are having a discover excessive.

What is the Dune: Messiah e book about?

dune timothee

Warner Bros.

Frank Herbert’s Dune: Messiah is map 12 years after the discontinue of Dune, and picks up with issues correctly down the direction of the save Dune appears to be headed: Paul is the Emperor of the Known Universe, and issues are no longer factual. He is a feared, noteworthy man, one who has the Fremen worshipping at his feet—and the varied properties continuously plotting his downfall. He is change into, roughly, the tyrannical chief that he feared he would.

Messiah is in actuality the save Herbert’s subversion of the smartly-liked sci-fi, hero’s scurry kinds of reviews involves a head. Dune incorporated subtext and hints that Paul’s avenue to being the “chosen one” would change into a extremely varied form of narrative, however Messiah is the save that narrative becomes entirely realized. If Dune finds Paul Atreides as a parallel of kinds to a young Anakin Skywalker, Messiah picks up after’s he’s already became into some form of Darth Vader/Emperor Palpatine hybrid.

If Denis Villeneuve’s Dune: Messiah film winds up getting made, it would possibly perchance maybe perchance perchance maybe probably be one of basically the most irregular sci-fi movies—on a story level, at the least—of all time.

Headshot of Evan Romano

Evan Romano

Evan is the custom editor for Males’s Health, with bylines in The Fresh York Instances, MTV Data, Brooklyn Journal, and VICE. He loves strange movies, watches too mighty TV, and listens to music extra most often than he doesn’t.

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