Your Day-by-Day Data to the Spring Competition Calendar

Spring Competition is upon us and families around the country are ending their preparations to welcome within the Lunar New Year.

We’ve already educated you how Chinese folk celebrate and equipped a Year of the Dragon explainer that may simply procedure in at hand at some level of the competition.

READ MORE: All the pieces You Rep to Know Regarding the Year of the Dragon

Now, as we enter the Year of the Dragon, let us dig deeper into the traditions and show what on daily foundation of CNY stands for and introduce some bright customs… some that even locals might well simply private below no circumstances heard about.

First Day

Saturday, February 10


Image through Wikipedia

The first day of Spring Competition known as yuan ri, that means the starting of the 365 days.

On in this deadline, at heart of the evening folk mild fireworks or fireplace crackers to welcome the gods from the heaven (in spite of the entire lot, it is a particular account if the fireworks and firecrackers are now banned for your metropolis).

Yarn has it that presently every 365 days, a monster called Nian would harass the villagers. Later, villagers learned the weak point of the monster (the color purple and the sound of explosions), so they began to mild fireworks and erect spring couplets.

Due to the this Chinese folk talk about with celebrating Chinese New Year as guo nian, which initially meant conquering the beast. 

In some areas, the predominant day of CNY is incessantly known as the ‘Birthday of the Broom.’ Which ability that, it is realizing-about gross luck to make exhaust of a broom and orderly the dwelling.

Dilapidated folk believed that simply luck would be ‘swept away’ on in this deadline, that may simply show the custom of spring-cleaning on New Year’s Eve.

Furthermore, the predominant day is dubbed the ‘Day of the Roosters’ because Nüwa, the mom goddess of Chinese mythology, created roosters on her first day of constructing the arena.

Folks in some areas of China will celebrate in this deadline by placing up work of roosters.

2nd Day

Sunday, February 11

day-by-day-meaning-during-CNY-02-3aaadb.jpgImage through qz828

The 2nd day of Spring Competition used to be the day when married daughters visited their birth fogeys.

The custom, in some areas, is named shello ri zhou (having lunch), indicating that daughters have to return to their husbands houses sooner than dinner.

Now, as feminist consciousness has wakened, the custom has been dropped in most areas.

Within the northern fragment of China, the 2nd day is also the day to admire the God of Wealth. On in this deadline northern folk will poke to the temple of the God of the Wealth and pray for simply fortune within the approaching 365 days.

Nüwa is declared to private created canines on the 2nd day, so in this deadline is also known as the ‘Day of the Dogs.’

Third Day

Monday, February 12


Image through Sina

The third day of Spring Competition is realizing as the ‘Day of the Red Dog.’

Red Dog is the God of Wrath in Chinese mythology. It’s miles declared that one can without ache bustle into quarrels on in this deadline. Which ability that, folk would conclude far from going out and in its save, drop asleep early.

Per the story, the third day of the Spring Competition is the marriage day of the mouse, so folk within the previous would throw rice or cake at the corners of their ground for the mice to eat.

The third day is when Nüwa created pigs. To celebrate the ‘Day of the Pigs’ farmers would spare the lives of the pigs they raised within the hope that the pigs would grow greater in due direction.

Fourth Day

Tuesday, February 13


Image through @我是孪生子/Weibo

The fourth day of Spring Competition is when sheep were created. Like the pigs, sheep farmers would protect their sheep alive on in this deadline so they’d maybe well simply fetch a greater mark in due direction.

On in this deadline, folk would eat zhe luo, the dinner birthday celebration leftovers from previous days.

One other custom practiced on in this deadline used to be reng qiong; to amass around the rubbish aloof from the predominant day of CNY; folk within the previous believed it used to be gross luck to dump ruin at some level of the predominant 5 days of Spring Competition. 

Within the south, folk would prepare to welcome the birthday of the God of Wealth, which falls on the fifth day of Spring Competition.

Fifth Day

Wednesday, February 14


Image through Wikipedia

Basically the most fun voice on the fifth day of Lunar New Year is the birthday celebration of the God of Wealth.

Like the predominant day of CNY, folk would space off firecrackers from hour of darkness to capture the eye of the deity.

On in this deadline, folk would eat dumplings, which no longer excellent witness devour gold ingots (yuanbao), but to boot private the identical pronunciation (jiaozi) as the currency dilapidated at some level of the Tune Dynasty.

This day is also known as ‘Breaking 5,’ because a mountainous desire of taboos which may be adopted at some level of the predominant four days can even be broken after in this deadline. 

Nüwa is declared to private created cows on the fifth day, so in this deadline is also known as the ‘Day of the Cows.’

Sixth Day

Thursday, February 15


Image through Baike

The sixth day is dubbed as the ‘Day of Tune Qiong.

On in this deadline, folk can score out the rubbish that had accumulated from the taboo. Within the previous, in this deadline used to be also the day for farmers to start spring ploughing.

Nüwa is declared to private created horses on the sixth day, so in this deadline is also known as the ‘Day of the Horses.’

Seventh Day

Friday, February 16


Image by cnwomen

Nüwa, the mom goddess of Chinese mythology, within the rupture created human beings on the seventh day of Spring Competition.

So, in this deadline is realizing-regarding the birthday of all humans and called ren ri, the ‘Day of the Humans.’

To celebrate, folk would wear rensheng, a head decoration fabricated from brilliant ribbons and drink ‘seven vegetable soup.’

Each customs are composed saved in some rural areas to in this deadline.

Eighth Day

Saturday, February 17


Image through Taozsw

The eighth day is realizing-regarding the birthday of grain, when farmers would predict the yield for the approaching 365 days. Additionally, on in this deadline, they would no longer eat grain merchandise as a label of cherishing meals.

It’s miles declared that the evening of the eighth day has primarily the most stars within the sky for the entire 365 days, so in this deadline known as ‘Shunxing,’ the ‘Constellation Competition.’

When evening falls, folk would mild no longer no longer as much as 9 candles to honor the celebs. The older people of the family would also score the different to educate the little ones about horoscopes.

One other custom on the eighth day is to free captive animals devour birds or fish.

Ninth Day

Sunday, February 18


Image through Baijiahao

The ninth day of the Chinese New Year is the birthday of the Jade Emperor of heaven within the Taoist Pantheon.

On in this deadline, folk would poke to the closest Taoist temple to thank the Jade Emperor for the blessings of the last 365 days and pray for the approaching 365 days.

The custom, which known as bai tian gong (worshipping the emperor of the heaven), is composed utilized in Fujian and Taiwan.

Tenth Day

Monday, February 19


Image through Folks.com

The tenth day of the Spring Competition is declared to be the birthday of stones since the Chinese note shi (that means stone) is a related in sound to the note for 10.

On ‘Stone Day,’ folk were no longer allowed to deploy stone-made farming instruments because it may possibly impact the yield of the vegetation. 

Fifteenth Day

Saturday, February 24


Image through Wikipedia

The fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, as you may maybe well simply already know, is Yuan Xiao Jie, the Lantern Competition.

Families are alleged to birthday celebration to eat tangyuan, a archaic Chinese dessert of glutinous rice shaped into balls served in a hot broth or syrup, which represents union.

To boot to ingesting snacks, actions similar to a riddle guessing video games and lion dances will be held to ticket the head of the Spring Competition.

READ MORE: Explainer: All the pieces You Rep to Know About Lantern Competition

This article used to be initially printed in February of 2018. It has been up as much as now and republished on February 6, 2024.

[Cover image by Pixabay]

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