The Funniest Reactions To Ron DeSantis Shedding Out Of The Presidential Plug

I’m if truth be told gonna omit the shoe memes.

Ron DeSantis formally dropped out of the presidential urge this weekend.

Brandon Bell / Getty Photos

The Governor of Florida released a concession speech on X, total with a made-up quote from Winston Churchhill.

“Success is just not final, failure is just not fatal: it is miles the courage to continue that counts.”

– Winston Churchill pic.twitter.com/ECoR8YeiMm

— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) January 21, 2024

Twitter: @RonDeSantis

Yep, Winston Churchhill never mentioned that.

According to the International Churchill Society, Winston Churchill never mentioned the words DeSantis cites to total his presidential campaign.

“We deplorable this on careful analysis within the canon of fifty million words by and about Churchill…” https://t.co/EuS5XC2Ch2 https://t.co/LDWKyqvWXW

— Corbin Bolies (@CorbinBolies) January 21, 2024

Twitter: @CorbinBolies

As a consequence of of us were ragging on ol’ Ron for months now, let’s gaze at among the funniest reactions to him throwing within the towel.

Don’t bawl as a result of it’s over, smile as a result of it’s— gah never strategies please slay making an are attempting to smile pic.twitter.com/JSpGxCMJoO

— The Day after day Disclose (@TheDailyShow) January 21, 2024

Twitter: @TheDailyShow

“I ran for president and all I purchased became once this bad participation trophy.” pic.twitter.com/0fg25uK81o

— The Appropriate Liars (@TheGoodLiars) January 21, 2024

Twitter: @TheGoodLiars

Ron DeSantis summarizing his 2024 presidential lag pic.twitter.com/ys0GJV8D4U

— Entice Queen Fanatic (@marionumber4) January 22, 2024

Twitter: @marionumber4

DeSantis started his campaign on Twitter with a malfunctioning Areas and ends his campaign on Twitter with a unfounded Winston Churchill quote https://t.co/mJnRyFKdXU

— Populism Updates (@PopulismUpdates) January 21, 2024

Twitter: @PopulismUpdates

My lasting memory of Ron DeSantis….😂 pic.twitter.com/KNAjNX25f9

— Tag 🍁 (@Markfry809) January 22, 2024

Twitter: @Markfry809

bad data about Ron DeSantis pic.twitter.com/kPmUaCJQFj

— Robert Komaniecki (@Komaniecki_R) January 22, 2024

Twitter: @Komaniecki_R

Ron DeSantis the minute he dropped out of the presidential urge: pic.twitter.com/dQqmtjEp29

— eric (@MrEAnders) January 22, 2024

Warner Bros/ Twitter: @MrEAnders

Fireplace sale on all Ron DeSantis merch at the present time! https://t.co/BAXE7PUSTP

— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) January 21, 2024

Twitter: @GavinNewsom

This veteran neatly. https://t.co/S7tY2MlxHr

— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) January 21, 2024

CSPAN/ Twitter: @TheRickWilson

The reason DeSantis did not drop out earlier is that he became once awaiting his knee pads to reach befriend within the mail.

— Paula Poundstone (@paulapoundstone) January 22, 2024

Twitter: @paulapoundstone

> Marketing campaign slogan of By no system Abet Down

> Tanks from 36% to 6% in polls

> Backs down https://t.co/L27VzopX9E

— Lakshya Jain (@lxeagle17) January 21, 2024

Twitter: @lxeagle17

Next time, Ron. You bought this.pic.twitter.com/jGKB8enPsP

— The Day after day Disclose (@TheDailyShow) January 21, 2024

The Day after day Disclose/ Twitter: @TheDailyShow

Ron DeSantis considered right here throwing within the towel of the urge: pic.twitter.com/yxbM3cbD1y

— Michael Tannenbaum (@iamTannenbaum) January 21, 2024

Fox/ Twitter: @iamTannenbaum

or not it is not appropriate that DeSantis became once straight forward to bully, but as well that he became once fun to bully. you truly bought the sense that he went home and wept every night.

— JP (@jpbrammer) January 22, 2024

Twitter: @jpbrammer

As awkward, insincere, and veteran as ever. I’ve never considered a candidate enhance much less over the direction of a campaign. https://t.co/aFd9vAJ4ZR

— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) January 21, 2024

Twitter: @danpfeiffer

This veteran neatly. https://t.co/1TWVX48GTW

— Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) January 21, 2024

Twitter: @hemantmehta

I reach befriend and #RonDeSantis remains to be getting COOKED 😭🤣😂 pic.twitter.com/uMueHIW6Ui

— ✨ Lazanya Pit ✨🦝🎀 (@Tanooki_Liz) January 22, 2024

Twitter: @Tanooki_Liz

Ron DeSantis giving his heels a Viking funeral rn

— Vinny Thomas (@vinn_ayy) January 21, 2024

Twitter: @vinn_ayy

Ron DeSantis hangs up the boots. pic.twitter.com/lBqjF5Qani

— Ms. Unformation (@MsUnformation) January 22, 2024

Twitter: @MsUnformation

And lastly…

The 2024 Ron DeSantis Presidential Marketing campaign became once a failure from day 1. pic.twitter.com/SW86yZRoO4

— CoffeyTimeNews (@CoffeyTimeNews) January 22, 2024

Twitter: @CoffeyTimeNews

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