Billboard’s Nation Energy Players’ Possibility: Vote for Song’s Most Impactful Govt (Finals)

The scrutinize-voted award permits the music commercial to participate in Billboard’s Nation Energy Players’ list of the trade’s most influential executives.

Country Power Players' Choice Award

Billboard‘s scrutinize-voted Nation Energy Players’ Possibility Award is encourage for 2024 and asking music trade members from all sectors to honor the govt. they respect about had the most impact all the plan by the Nation music model prior to now one year. 

Balloting is open to all Billboard Pro members, every existing and new, with one vote per member per round. 

The closing round of voting for the Nation Energy Players’ Possibility Award is now underway and can fair spin by April 29.

The Nation Energy Players’ Possibility Award will spin alongside Billboard’s annual Nation Energy Players rating of the music trade’s most influential executives in the model, which is ready to be launched in Could well furthermore.

Vote here: 

Billboard launched its first Players’ Possibility Award with the Energy 100 list in January 2023, adopted by the first Nation Energy Players’ Possibility Award that concluded in June and the R&B/Hip-Hop Energy Players’ Possibility Award in August and the Latin Energy Players’ Possibility Award in September. In 2024, the scrutinize-voted award expanded to furthermore quilt International Energy Players and Top Song Attorneys.  

This last round of voting concludes on April 29 at 11: 59 EST and can fair decide the winner of the 2024 Nation Energy Players’ Possibility Award.

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