What Executives Had been Announcing About Sustainability at Davos

Exquisite weeks after the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, many of the the same leaders gathered for the annual World Financial Dialogue board’s premier tournament in Davos, Switzerland. WEF’s World Risks Document 2024 showed a predominantly negative outlook for the realm for the following two years and one which will get even worse over the coming decade. Whereas the climate outlook will be grim, there had been many different issues on the agenda in Davos, including artificial intelligence, the financial system, conflicts around the globe, trade disruptions and elections for around four billion of us.

WSJ Pro requested some executives about their sustainability-linked takeaways from Davos. 

Rich Lesser, chief adviser to the World Financial Dialogue board’s Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders and global chair of Boston Consulting Community

“I wasn’t surprised that in a year with these parts [risks and opportunities of AI, geopolitics, political divides and macroeconomics] so prime of mind—and having accurate had so worthy energy dedicated to climate and the atmosphere accurate four weeks earlier at COP28—that the Davos consideration became a bit shifted to the assorted issues that obviously weren’t discussed at COP28.”

“This thought of being both responsible yourselves, but a catalyst for systemic trade became the principle theme of this year’s Alliance of CEO climate leaders lunch.” Lesser said there are obtrusive ways to be a catalyst: “You are going to be ready to assist action for your offer chain, create it more straightforward on your customers to decarbonize, work as a sector to create it more straightforward for all americans to transfer sooner, work all the device by industries to advance key technologies and work productively with governments to be a courageous partner to assist them but additionally [be] a life like partner.”

Jim Andrew, chief sustainability officer of PepsiCo: 

“Despite so many geopolitical crises on the desk, it’s telling that climate trade remained excessive on the agenda with a rising working out on the interconnectivity to varied global challenges. The nearly long-established realization of the urgency for public and non-public partners to device reduction collectively around a systemic response became mosey. I became overjoyed that the transformation of the meals machine is increasingly being seen as an a truly important section of that and won traction all the device by the week.”

“Davos will be a swirl of conversations, but by this week I became overjoyed that discussions moved forward from COP into a accurate focal level on action and impression.”

Lorena Dellagiovanna, senior vp and govt officer; chief sustainability officer; and chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer of Hitachi:

“We are able to simplest attain web zero if we absorb it collectively. Which is why I genuinely have learned it heartening to explore in most contemporary years a marked amplify in sustainability leaders attending Davos, and environmental elements more mighty on the WEF agenda. Five years in the past, climate trade and nature represented one third of the discussions at Davos. At the present time, it’s two thirds.” 

“The World Financial Dialogue board became a a truly important milestone to assist transfer forward at trudge and scale with our climate-trade ambitions. This year I genuinely have taken section in some engaging discussions and talked to industry and political leaders here who are genuinely dedicated to web zero, but I’m calm left with the keep a matter to of: Are we transferring rapid enough and are we pondering gigantic enough?”

Amy Brachio, global vice chair, sustainability of EY: 

“With AI, geopolitics and the advance-term financial outlook dominating conversations, the underlying theme of possibility and how we balance lengthy- and non eternal action is one amongst my key takeaways.”

“Every industry chief I met at Davos knows that there would possibly maybe be no longer a time that the policy, financial and social elements align to create it the ‘dazzling time.’ In 2024, industry leaders must wretchedness themselves and their organizations to address what they face right this moment time in the context of the transition and transformation we desire to speed now to address climate trade. The glimmer of hope comes from the swiftly scaling of renewable energy worldwide, including in China, which helps development in lengthy-term global decarbonization including in manufacturing.”

Write to Rochelle Toplensky at

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