Historic England seeks feedback on heritage talents

Prince’s Foundation placements working on the roof at Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings [© Historic England Archive]

Prince’s Foundation placements engaged on the roof at Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings [© Historic England Archive]

Historic England has commissioned Harlow Consulting to behavior a stare into the present and query of heritage constructing talents, to support title talents gaps and shortages.

Building companies that work on older buildings are invited to participate within the stare, which could perhaps be performed this month and next.

Harlow Consulting director Jennifer Brennan explained: “This work will design the profile of the workers and related coaching provision, title talents gaps and shortages, and originate suggestions about how easiest to support and provide protection to our heritage constructing talents.”

Tess Gale, sector resilience and talents director at Historic England, added: “The talents desired to shield, repair, adapt and retrofit England’s former buildings are specialist. This research mission can support Historic England, and companions within the sector, to better be conscious the put talents needs are most pressing, enabling effective and collaborative circulation to address these.”

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