Starship is Peaceable No longer Understood (2021)

One other entry into my blog series on countering misconceptions in condominium journalism. I mentioned this put up on The Dwelling Expose on November 5 2021.

It has been exactly two years since my preliminary posts on Starship and Starlink. While the Starlink put up has frail somewhat nicely, Starship is restful now not extensively understood despite intervening traits. As frequent, this blog represents my have opinions and I enact now not dangle any interior records.

There is now an audio model of this blog.

[Update Oct 2023: Ars reports that senior JPL and NASA observatory advocates have testified that Starship’s capabilities must be exploited for next generation telescope design.]

To do away with you up, two years ago SpaceX unveiled their boilerplate paunchy scale mockup of Starship. Starhopper had completed two untethered flights. SN5 and SN6 hopped to 150 m in August and September of 2020, followed by 10-12 km flights of SN8, SN9, SN10, SN11, and SN15 between December 2020 and Could also just 2021, the closing of which stuck the touchdown.

Two years ago, Raptor used to be unproven, aero flaps had never been demonstrated, and stainless metallic rocket construction used to be restful alarmed. This day, these predominant programmatic risks are largely retired. SpaceX has licensed their paunchy float staged combustion engine. They’ve completed a paunchy system test of the touchdown route of, and they’ve ramped up QA in construction. There are restful predominant risks on the well-known course between now and a fully reusable Starship, but no miracles are required to solve them. As an illustration, many elderly heat protect (TPS) designs already exist. SpaceX can strive to manufacture a better, more cost effective, lighter one but when it doesn’t figure out, they are able to continuously alternate some mass and just employ PICA, like Dragon. In only two years, almost the total low TRL science initiatives dangle been solved.

SN9 on the pad (wikimedia).

As of lifeless October 2021, SN20 and the booster SB4 dangle performed total fit checks and particular person static fires, whereas the bottom enhance tools and the start tower are being assembled with genuinely large cranes. The Boca Chica rocket manufacturing facility and start field are now sizable ongoing operations, as considered on this video tour with Tim Dodd, the Day to day Astronaut.

While I’m 100% sure that the Starship achieve will continue to evolve in noticeable ways, the growth in two years can now not be understated. Two years ago Starship used to be a achieve thought and a mock up. This day it’s a 95% full prototype that will quickly wing to accommodate and can even fabricate it reduction in one fragment.

The odds of Starship genuinely working within the end to future are remarkable better at the moment time than they were two years ago. Across the alternate, choices are being made on a time horizon through which Starship operation is expounded, and but it is some distance now not being accurately accounted for.

Starship issues. It’s now not just a terribly mountainous rocket, like every assorted rocket on steroids. It’s a chronic and dedicated strive to realize the “Holy Grail” of rocketry, a fully and impulsively reusable orbital class rocket that can even be mass manufactured. It’s miles supposed to enable a conveyor belt logistical skill to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) equivalent to the Berlin Airlift. That is, Starship is a extremely effective logistical system that puts start below the API.

Starship is designed so that it’s good to start bulk cargo into LEO in >100 T chunks for <$10m per launch, and up to thousands of launches per year. By refilling in LEO, a fully loaded deep space Starship can transport >100 T of bulk cargo anywhere within the photograph voltaic system, at the side of the bottom of the Moon or Mars, for <$100m per Starship. Starship is intended to be able to transport a million tonnes of cargo to the surface of Mars in just ten launch windows, in addition to serving other incidental destinations, such as maintaining the Starlink constellation or building a big base at the Lunar south pole.

The fact that Starship flown expendably would be perhaps 10 times cheaper, in terms of dollars per tonne, than even Falcon is not relevant. For the last two years, space community responses to Starship can often be summarized as “Starship would be awesome! I can customize one or two and do my pet mission for cheap.” This is true, but it misses the point.

First, SpaceX is unlikely to spend a lot of engineering effort doing custom one offs for otherwise obscure science missions. Find a way to fit the mission in the payload fairing and join the queue with everyone else trying to burn down their manifest as quickly as possible.

Second, and more importantly, shoehorning Cassini 2.0 or Mars Direct into Starship fails to adequately exploit the capabilities of the launch system. Not to pick on Cassini or Mars Direct, but both of these missions were designed with inherent constraints that are not relevant to Starship. In fact, all space missions whether robotic or crewed, historical or planned, have been designed with constraints that are not relevant to Starship.

What does this mean? Historically, mission/system design has been grievously afflicted by absurdly harsh mass constraints, since launch costs to LEO are as high as $10,000/kg and single launches cost hundreds of millions. This in turn affects schedule, cost structure, volume, material choices, labor, power, thermal, guidance/navigation/control, and every other aspect of the mission. Entire design languages and heuristics are reinforced, at the generational level, in service of avoiding negative consequences of excess mass. As a result, spacecraft built before Starship are a bit like steel weapons made before the industrial revolution. Enormously expensive as a result of embodying a lot of meticulous labor, but ultimately severely limited compared to post-industrial possibilities.

Starship obliterates the mass constraint and every last vestige of cultural baggage that constraint has gouged into the minds of spacecraft designers. There are still constraints, as always, but their design consequences are, at present, completely unexplored. We need a team of economists to rederive the relative elasticities of various design choices and boil them down to a new set of design heuristics for space system production oriented towards maximizing volume of production. Or, more generally, maximizing some robust utility function assuming saturation of Starship launch capacity. A dollar spent on mass optimization no longer buys a dollar saved on launch cost. It buys nothing. It is time to raise the scope of our ambition and think much bigger.

Apollo was limited by the lift capacity of a single Saturn V to use a lunar orbit rendezvous architecture, in which just two astronauts sortied to the surface for a few hours. Every NASA mission to any planet has to be a marvel of miniaturization, just to cram as much science as possible into a severely mass constrained space craft. The Artemis program to the Moon requires a Gateway and separate Human Landing System (HLS) because even the SLS doesn’t have enough lift capacity to execute the mission on its own. The HLS request specified performance requirements that only make sense if the launchers are not Starship, and are objectively inadequate for any kind of serious base building or long term sustainable presence.

Starship changes this paradigm. Starship won the HLS contract because of the three bids only it delivered a system that actually closed. But more than that, Starship could be used for the entire Artemis program, and probably will if the program continues. Indeed, for the same annual cost Starship could deliver perhaps 100x as much cargo to and from the Moon, meaning that instead of two or three dinky 10 T crew habs over the next decade, we could actually build and launch a base that could house 1000 people in a year or two. We probably won’t, but we could.

This cuts to the core of the problem. Why won’t we upgrade Artemis to actually use the capacity of Starship? Because Starship is somehow less proven or likely than SLS and Vulcan? Please! No, Artemis is still trapped in a pre-Starship paradigm where each kilogram costs a million dollars and we must aggressively descope our ambition. This approach is evidently self defeating.

To make this concrete, compare these two bat charts for pre- and post-Starship Artemis conops.

Conops as envisioned in original Artemis HLS RFP. The two unsuccessful bids followed this model. Each 12 T lander cycle costs at least $6b.
Artemis designed around Starship capability looks completely different, because it is. Each 100 T lander cycle costs less than $100m.

Even though Starship was selected for HLS, Artemis hasn’t been redesigned, because Starship is still not understood at the organizational level.

Nowhere was this clearer than the September 26, 2021 NASA press conference where Administrator Senator Bill Nelson spent 45 minutes discussing the future of Human Spaceflight at NASA. The town hall was to announce the reorg of Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) into the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate (ESDMD) and the Space Operations Mission Directorate (SOMD), reversing an org chart change made about a decade ago.

HEOMD reorg NASA townhall September 26 2021.

My main takeaway from this wasn’t speculation as to whether Kathy Lueders had been demoted, but the observation that in 45 minutes of conversation about the future of human space flight at NASA, Starship wasn’t mentioned once. The gigantic rocket that is poised to improve our access to space by three orders of magnitude just didn’t come up.

I know that SpaceX and Starship are controversial in certain circles at NASA, but what purpose does it serve to maintain a policy of quietly ignoring it forever? I know dozens of people in the US space industry who basically agree with everything I’ve written about Starship, and yet the official policy sails serenely on as though Falcon has never even landed.

Starship will change the way we do business in space, and now is the time to start preparing. Pretending that it doesn’t exist isn’t an adequate strategic hedge, whether Starship flies in 2022, 2025, or never.

What do I mean by strategic hedge? There is a steadily increasing chance that Starship will succeed and total certainty that if it succeeds it will change the industry, therefore the appropriate hedge is to take actions somewhere between total panic that it is already flying, and complete inaction. The cost of preparing and Starship not eventuating is lower than the cost of Starship flying while NASA is still unprepared. As of today, continuing inaction by the legacy space industry continues to accrue fundamental structural risk. Starship is mostly good news. It certainly doesn’t have to be a harbinger of doom, but acting as though it can never change anything serves only to increase the chance that it does bring about negative changes in future.

What sort of negative changes am I referring to? The US space industry has a strategic blind spot in this direction. Ask a room of engineers and scientists what they can do with Starship and the response will be enthusiastic, to say the least. 100 T of science instruments on Titan in just four years? Sign me up! Ask a room full of program managers how they will avoid negative programmatic consequences due to Starship launch capability and you will probably get blank stares.

Let me explain the fundamental issue. NASA centers and their contractors build exquisitely complex and expensive robots to launch on conventional rockets and explore the universe. To take JPL as an example, divide the total budget by the mass of spacecraft shipped to the cape and it works out to about $1,000,000/kg. I’m not certain how much mass NASA launches to space per year but, even including ISS, it cannot be much more than about 50 T. This works out to between $100,000/kg for LEO bulk cargo and >$1,000,000/kg for deep condominium exploration.

Enter Starship. Annual skill to LEO climbs from its present common of 500 T for the packed with our civilization to perhaps 500 T per week. At closing, it can perhaps perhaps perhaps exceed 1,000,000 T/12 months. On the identical time, start prices drop as little as $50/kg, roughly 100x lower than the present. For the identical funds in start, present can dangle elevated by roughly 100x. How can the condominium alternate saturate this elevated start present?

I doubt Congress goes to magnify NASA’s funds to 1 trillion dollars, so NASA and alternate have to rep a technique to realize 100x as remarkable stuff for 1/10th the tag. Rovers will have to be $1000/kg and we are able to need 100 T of them yearly. Right here is expounded by methodology of prices and volumes to Ferrari manufacturing, so we’re now not essentially talking about replicating Toyota’s automatic manufacturing traces, but we’re positively talking about finding ways to critically magnify the productiveness of the present workforce, whereas though-provoking its capacity point of interest some distance from mass optimization and in opposition to mass generation. Because the mass constraint in actuality doesn’t topic anymore, there isn’t remarkable point devoting a full bunch of person-years of effort into assembling the total component from custom machined titanium aspects.

Right here is where the likelihood to the condominium alternate originates. Sooner than Starship, heavy machinery for building a Moon sinister could well perhaps perhaps most efficient come from NASA, because most efficient NASA has the expertise to realize a rocket propelled titanium Moon tractor for a thousand million dollars per unit. After Starship, Caterpillar or Deere or Kamaz can condominium qualify their existing commodity products with very minimal changes and feature them in condominium. In all seriousness, some enormous Caterpillar mining truck is already extraordinarily rugged and routinely decent. McMaster-Carr already shares hundreds of aspects that will work in mines, on oil rigs, and any replacement of assorted horrendously corrosive, guarantee voiding environments when when compared with which the vacuum of dwelling is delightfully benign. A condominium-tailored tractor desires better paint, a vacuum like minded hydraulic energy source, vacuum-rated bearings, lubricants, wire insulation, and a redundant some distance off regulate sensor equipment. I’m able to see NASA partnering with alternate to realize and test these aspects, but that shouldn’t be any methodology to provider the institutional overhead embodied by a group of a full bunch of folks toiling on a single mission for a decade. There is a motive that JPL’s enterprise relies upon on a accurate circulation of directed flagship missions with billion buck tag tags. Hordes of PhDs don’t come low tag and desire somewhat a pair of care and feeding.

Even if the condominium alternate fully understood Starship, I mediate it’d be very demanding for them to devise and adapt impulsively ample to take a look at the approaching explosion in start skill. However it indubitably has been two years since my earlier put up and the implications were obvious ample even then. But I dangle considered almost no proof that, on an organizational level, any of the high contractors or senior NASA leadership dangle internalized the paunchy implications of the approaching alternate.

Historical past is plagued by the wreckage of worn industrial titans that underestimated the affect of latest technology and overrated their capacity to adapt. Blockbuster, Motorola, Kodak, Nokia, RIM, Xerox, Yahoo, IBM, Atari, Sears, Hitachi, Polaroid, Toshiba, HP, Palm, Sony, PanAm, Sega, Netscape, Compaq, Enron, GM, DeLorean, Nortel. In many cases, corresponding to with Kodak and digital cameras, these extremely effective companies even invented the technology that within the raze destroyed them. It used to be now not a shock. All people saw it coming. However senior administration did not acknowledge that adaptation would require stepping beyond the permitted bounds of their feeble enterprise put collectively. Starship, like Falcon, is constructed on a basis of traditional rocketry study funded and performed by NASA, Roscosmos, and numerous authorities companies. SpaceX has found a extremely effective fresh synthesis but they didn’t achieve rockets from scratch. Both the incumbent condominium alternate adapts to Starship by finding ways to realize remarkable more condominium hardware for some distance lower cost, or dozens of assorted fresh companies, unbound by custom, entrenched pursuits, and high organizational overhead, will permanently make a choice their enterprise.

Appropriate two weeks ago, worn NASA Companion Administrator for Exploration and present Boeing consultant Doug Cooke, gave a presentation on his imaginative and prescient for lunar exploration, as reported by Jeff Foust.

Doug Cooke’s slip on Lunar Exploration Oct 12 2021 (Jeff Foust).

The washed out yellow on shadowy can even be inspiring to read, so I’ll reproduction the text below [grammatical errors and typos uncorrected].

Logical Early Lunar Architecture and Mission(s)


  • 130 mt SLS (Block 2) as envisioned within the 2010 Authorization Act.
  • Orion as at the moment configured.
  • Produce two-stage, storable propellant lunar lander with now not-to-exceed mass of 33 mT.
    • Lander requirements – embody cargo mode to land hab(s), rovers, ground infrastructure – separate from crew landings.
  • Produce Lunar Orbit Injection (LOI) stage able to delivering the lander to Low Lunar Orbit (LLO) the usage of atmosphere pleasant Liquid Oxygen/Hydrogen gasoline. Identical LOI stage achieve for delivering Orion and provider module to LLO.
  • Make stronger Ground Systems to increase this structure with ample flight rate.

Lunar Mission

  • Fully fueled integrated lander is launched as cargo on the SLS Block 2 and injected by the LOI stage into LLO to wait for the crew.
  • Crew is launched on SLS to LLO in Orion the usage of the identical LOI stage achieve as for the lander.
    • A complete lot of a full bunch margin for additonal cargo
  • Orion performs the rendezvous with the lander in LLO
  • Crew and extra tools and provisions switch to the ascent stage on the lander.
  • With the crew onboard, the lander descends from LLO and lands on the lunar ground.
  • The crew executes its ground mission
  • The crew launches reduction to LLO within the ascent stage to rendezvous and switch to Orion.
  • The crew returns to Earth from LLO in Orion, the usage of the Orion Provider Module to form the Trans-Earth Insertion (TEI) maneuver.

Apply-on Crew and Cargo Missions to fulfill lunar exploration aims

Permit me to uncover within the gaps. Right here is 98% equivalent to the fresh Constellation lunar program. It requires SLS Block 2, which has a brand fresh, upgraded higher stage. This used to be continuously meant to be share of Ares V and it’s what has continuously been required to manufacture SLS genuinely important, with actual cargo skill to LEO and beyond. Undoubtedly, this Exploration Greater Stage (EUS) is restful within the preliminary achieve share and can never genuinely be constructed now not to mention flown. As nicely as to the EUS, which is basically a full fresh rocket, this structure also requires a Lunar Insertion Stage, also within the origin called for within the Constellation structure but long since cancelled, and without which Orion can’t even fabricate it to Low Lunar Orbit (LLO). It also requires a brand fresh two stage lander, which is restful being handled almost as an afterthought.

When it’s all put collectively, now we dangle an structure somewhat equivalent to Apollo, most efficient heavier, dearer, slower, with more though-provoking aspects, and with referring to the identical salvage cargo skill to the bottom. That is, another decade or so of incredibly pricey dazzling sheet pattern of four fresh condominium vehicles, and for what? The capacity to rep “several tonnes” of marginal cargo to the bottom for 2 launches of the SLS Block 2, and to eventually bring the Lunar share of Constellation two a protracted time lifeless and at ten cases the tag, as although it used to be never justifiably cancelled within the first field?

Recall into consideration the 2 well-known metrics: Dollars per tonne ($/T) and tonnes per 12 months (T/12 months). Any effective condominium transport cargo logistics system have to aggressively optimize both these metrics simultaneously. Starship is supposed to realize numbers as little as $1m/T and 1000 T/12 months for cargo still landed on the Moon. Apollo completed about $2b/T and a pair of T/12 months for cargo still landed on the Moon. Constellation 2.0 as described above could well perhaps perhaps be more like $4b/T and a pair of T/12 months.

No longer most efficient is this structure obviously worse than Starship, it’s also critically worse than Apollo or any existing lunar provide system. As an illustration, the Blue Moon lander will doubtless be flown on Falcon Heavy, delivering perhaps 10 T to the bottom for <$200m. Indeed, the Constellation structure is worse than the present converse-of-the-artwork by roughly the identical component that Starship guarantees to be better. That is, it takes the most well-known metrics of $/T and T/12 months and runs as some distance as imaginable within the contaminated route. It's also a programmatic lifeless end, since none of the particular person parts can even be upgraded in a critical methodology without restarting pattern of your total system from scratch. It’s a dear, interlocking failure. What “lunar exploration aims” can even be “fulfilled” with such an structure? There shouldn't be the form of thing as a likelihood for a sustainable program, no likelihood for continuous human presence or sinister building. Appropriate tens of billions of bucks on aged hardware serving ill-outlined programmatic aims that lost their geopolitical relevancy on July 24, 1969.

Clearly it is some distance NASA, Cooke, and Boeing’s prerogative to propose programs that support their particular respective pursuits, but what I don’t impress is how they are able to critically mediate that ignoring Starship can reduction them. Indeed, Boeing is in high field to a good deal magnify the scale and income of their condominium hardware enterprise within the occasion that they are able to scale manufacturing to saturate Starship’s start skill. Boeing can fabricate remarkable extra cash building Lunar cargo for Starship transportation, because they’ll be transport hundreds of tonnes a 12 months whereas building an limitless future and opening a brand fresh financial frontier. Would they make a choice that SpaceX be compelled to verticalize within the Lunar sinister hardware condominium and have one more enormous tranche of future tag creation? At this point, the true terror of assorted alternate gamers have to restful be that SpaceX obtained’t even search files from them to strive. As an alternate, they’ll wake up one morning and rep that every body their intrepid junior engineers dangle taken a pay slice and moved to Texas, whereas no-one can figure out why Starliner’s valves refuse to work smartly.

Right here is why I mediate Starship is now not understood. Figuring out the dangers and advantages of Starship would drive very assorted adaptive behavior than what we are able to see, ergo Starship is now not understood, ergo I write one more blog about it.

In October 2019 I explained why Starship and Starlink were such a mountainous deal. In October 2023, having a see reduction, what could well perhaps even just dangle taken field?

It’s miles inspiring to predict when the Starship achieve will stabilize, but I predict that SpaceX’s efforts on this predicament will most efficient bound up. As incredible as the growth at Boca Chica looks at the moment time, in two years time at the moment time’s rocket manufacturing facility will see like the lonely tents of 2019. We’ll dangle Starships lined up along the seaside, more than one start towers reaching into the sky, and a series of high bays doing serial manufacturing. As SpaceX methodically retires programmatic likelihood by methodology of Starship performance and reusability, engineering point of interest will shift in opposition to the subsequent constraints on the well-known course, but now not before. These constraints embody deep condominium existence enhance, robotics, and human-centered Lunar and Mars ground habitation. If NASA and numerous alternate gamers don’t impulsively shift into high tools to provide the nine key well-known condominium applied sciences, ask to see SpaceX spool up interior R&D in these areas. The earliest indicators of this going down will doubtless be obscure-having a see job postings and restful recruitment efforts, so if you occur to see your folks and colleagues inexplicably though-provoking to South Texas or Austin, that’s why.

In the period in-between, it is some distance cheap to ask that the SLS will within the raze try a start, perhaps even with folks on board. As Starship achieve converges, assorted start companies (in particular Relativity, Blue, and Rocketlab) will adapt the achieve for their have reusable launchers, within the raze riding down start prices for third events. Artemis will continue to limp awkwardly on with occasional half-hearted press releases, Eric Berger scoops, and middling budgets. Ultimately Starship will demonstrate an automatic Lunar touchdown and return with a pair of tonnes of Moon rocks and either NASA can dangle branding rights, or they obtained’t. Starship will start robots to Mars for touchdown field surveys and replacement. While it is some distance doubtless that NASA will doubtless be eager on this mission, I doubt they are going to pay for it or present remarkable/any hardware, except there could be a bound-along payload that could well perhaps perhaps ordinarily dangle launched on an Atlas, or a pair of cubesats. Some (dozens) of those robots will doubtless be VTOL plane to form prolonged surveys, building on the legacy of the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter but in every other case designed and operated very in every other case.

Maybe JPL will continue to realize a flagship mission every decade or so. Maybe the ice giants of Uranus and Neptune will rep some consideration, along with continuing efforts in opposition to Mars Sample Return and participation within the Titan octocopter. These will fabricate bigger our files of planetary science in well-known ways, but as it stands neither JPL nor assorted NASA companies and products are nicely positioned to be the natural producers of any immense subset of an well-known Lunar/Mars sinister infrastructure, so I don’t ask to see them there, rather then perhaps as bound-along tenants.

In the period in-between, assorted companies will spring up to take advantage of Starship’s improved rep entry to to accommodate, procuring rides to the Moon, Mars, or asteroids for prospecting, entrepreneurship, companies and products provision, nationwide location missions, large condominium stations, orbital factories, LEO constellations, and anything one can dream up.

In my gaze, this is a large tragedy. NASA is within the midst of the largest replacement since its founding in 1958. Starship can catalyze the organizational shifts an well-known to as soon as again align NASA’s team in opposition to a technically coherent imaginative and prescient. Lets dangle every NASA center churning out world-building machines by the truckload, building well-known infrastructure that kinds the backbone of humanity’s leap to a multiplanetary civilization. As an illustration, JSC is the natural field to leverage a protracted time of human spaceflight expertise and procedure futuristic existence enhance machinery. Ames and JPL have to restful be building fully automatic construction administration machinery. Glenn have to restful companion with midwestern machinery manufacturers to realize and feature Lunar and Mars environmental test methods and qualify a catalog of condominium-like minded commodity aspects and retrofits. Marshall and KSC have to restful achieve out containerized condominium energy vegetation and enable start cadence will increase from ~1/week to ~1/hour. Goddard and Langley have to restful oversee pattern of intrepid scientific study programs to be performed from permanently occupied Lunar and Mars bases. Armstrong have to restful coordinate supporting pattern work by the specialist contractors doing Lunar ground operations.

It’ll restful be impossible to now not see a NASA emblem anywhere on the approaching generation of condominium stations and planetary bases, but this ‘s some distance from guaranteed. It unquestionably will now not occur if the Artemis program continues to steadfastly ignore architectural economies offered by Starship. It unquestionably will now not occur if NASA squanders these treasured years of transition ready forlornly, as it has for a few years, for Congress to by accident turn the money present up to eleven.

It’ll also just make a choice a 12 months or three, but Starship will occur and this can alternate all the pieces. While the main alternate gamers continue to now not make a choice Starship critically, it is some distance safe to whine that Starship is now not understood.

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