Jadon Cooper Indicators with EBR Performance Husqvarna Team Thru 2026
The following press liberate is from EBR Performance:
League City, TX — EBR Performance is proud to instruct the signing of Jadon Cooper by scheme of 2026 to our Husqvarna Racing & Construction Team. Cooper will lead the group contesting the AMA Arenacross Championships aboard the all unique FC 350 HUSQVARNA for 2025. He’ll also diagram his debut competing in AMA Monster Vitality SX Futures Championships for 2025 on his EBR Factory Level Engine & Suspension FC 250 HUSQVARNA powered by Payments Pipes. EBR shall be alongside side a bunch rider to be half of Cooper to contest both championships.
“AMA Arenacross and SX Futures Championships are needed to EBR’s progression and vogue. EBR has been constructing engines and suspension for 27 years with good success and we’re concerned about rising this program and representing HUSQVARNA in AMA Arenacross and SX Futures Championships, we await good issues as all of us work collectively.” Josh Rogers, EBR Performance.
Jadon Cooper the speedster from Baytown, Texas is solid, ample-fleet, proficient and proven, a success the 2023 AMA Loretta Lynn’s 450B Championship. He is currently making ready and coaching aboard an FC 350 HUSQVARNA to diagram a return to Loretta Lynn’s after intense off-season coaching. Cooper shall be coaching and honing his supercross skillsets with Kevin Windham at FARM-14 surroundings his sights on being a solid contender for the championships.
“I’m Very wrathful to work with Jadon. Exhausting worker, good perspective and trending upward. Pumped he’s fragment of our program.” Daniel Blair, Husqvarna Novice Racing Manager.